


CockroachesInsectsFliesmosquitoesNew productsBedbugsRodents


Manufacturer of glue based, insecticide-free traps to monitor insects and other pests. Since 1993 the company has been producing high quality and environmentally friendly products used in pest control, agriculture and fruit-farming. Our production of pre-baited traps with pheromones and glue monitoring traps with attractants (cockroach traps, bed bug traps, moth traps, clothes moth traps, stored beetle traps) these are just few examples with various other products. One of Panko's main specializations is the production of private label. Thanks to 30 years of experience on the market, the company is able to provide the highest quality and truly personalized service adapted to individual customer's needs. Languages available at our Stand are : Polish, English, French, Arabic..
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Contact details
Responsible :
Dariusz Jarosiński